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    Birth Doula Services:

    As your dedicated professional, I offer unwavering guidance, physical comfort, emotional reassurance, and vital information to you and your family before, during, and after labor. My role encompasses many facets: I advocate for your wishes, assist in realizing your birth preferences, and stand by you with unwavering support, even if unexpected changes arise. During labor and delivery, I provide personalized care, utilizing a range of comfort measures and pain relief techniques tailored to your needs.


    Furthermore, I actively engage with your partner, offering guidance on how they can best support you, ensuring they feel empowered and integral to the birth experience. At Spring Life Doula, I believe in embracing birth without fear and preparing you with knowledge and support to enter the birthing room confidently.


    While your healthcare providers focus on your physical well-being and your partner tends to your immediate needs, I am your constant companion, offering non-medical support and a calming presence.


    Remember, I am here to support you, your partner, and your soon-to-be baby every step of the way.

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  • Enhanced Birth Support Offerings:

    Tailored for Your Unique Journey


    Spring Life Doula, believes in providing exceptional, personalized care that stands out. Our Birth Offerings are designed to offer comprehensive, compassionate support, ensuring you feel empowered and prepared for your natural birth journey. Each offering is fully customizable, allowing you to tailor the services to meet your unique needs and preferences.


  • Birth Offerings

    Guiding You To An Empowered & Natural Birth Experience.

    Basic Offering

    • Two Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks
    • One Postpartum Visit
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text 
    • Light Review of Childbirth Education
    • Birth Photography
    • Continuous Labor Support

    Extended Offering


    • Three Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks
    • Two Postpartum Visits
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text
    • Basic Childbirth Education
    • Birth Preference Planning
    • Birth Photography
    • Continuous Labor Support


    Complete Offering

    • Four Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks
    • Three Postpartum Visits
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text
    • Extensive Childbirth Education
    • Birth Preference Planning
    • Postpartum Planning
    • Birth Photography
    • Continuous Labor Support
  • Personalized Support For Every Step Of Your Birth Journey

    Here’s what sets our packages apart:

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    Basic Offering


    Perfect for those seeking essential support with a personal touch.

    • Two Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions: Personalized sessions to discuss your birth preferences, develop a birth plan, and practice comfort techniques.
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks: Immediate access to your doula around the clock, ensuring support when you need it most.
    • One Postpartum Visit: A thorough check-in to support your recovery, address any concerns, and provide breastfeeding guidance.
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text: Unlimited access for any questions or reassurance leading up to your birth.
    • Light Review of Childbirth Education: Essential education on the stages of labor and basic pain management techniques.
    • Birth Photography: Capture precious moments upon request.
    • Continuous Labor Support: Unwavering support from the onset of labor through birth.


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    Extended Offering


    Ideal for those seeking more in-depth preparation and postpartum care.

    • Three Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions: Additional sessions for deeper preparation and personalized strategies.
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks: Round-the-clock availability to support you through the final stages of pregnancy.
    • Two Postpartum Visits: Additional support to ensure a smooth transition into parenthood, including breastfeeding and newborn care guidance.
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text: Consistent access to your doula for ongoing support.
    • Basic Childbirth Education: In-depth education covering the stages of labor, pain management, and what to expect during a natural birth.
    • Birth Preference Planning: Assistance in creating a detailed birth plan to ensure your preferences are respected.
    • Birth Photography: Capture the beauty of your labor and birth upon request.
    • Continuous Labor Support: Continuous, compassionate support throughout labor.
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    Complete Offering


    For those wanting the most comprehensive and personalized support.

    • Four Comprehensive Prenatal Sessions: Extensive preparation covering all aspects of childbirth and postpartum planning.
    • 24/7 On-Call Support from 38 Weeks: Uninterrupted access to your doula for reassurance and support.
    • Three Postpartum Visits: Enhanced postpartum care to address recovery, breastfeeding, and newborn care, ensuring a smooth adjustment.
    • Immediate Support via Email, Phone, and Text: Continuous access for all your questions and concerns.
    • Extensive Childbirth Education: Thorough education on labor stages, pain management techniques, and detailed birth planning.
    • Birth Preference Planning: Create a personalized birth plan tailored to your desires and needs.
    • Postpartum Planning: Comprehensive planning to ensure you have support and resources in place for the postpartum period.
    • Birth Photography: Document your labor and birth journey upon request.
    • Continuous Labor Support: Dedicated, uninterrupted support during labor.


  • Customizable to Fit Your Needs

    Each offering is fully customizable to ensure it meets your unique needs and preferences.

    My goal is to provide you with the best possible support and care,

    making your birth experience as empowering and positive as possible.


    By choosing our Ultimate Birth Support Offering, you’re investing in a supportive,

    empowering birth experience that respects and honors your natural birthing process.


    Let Spring Life Doula be there for you every step of the way,

    ensuring you feel confident, informed,

    and cherished as you welcome your new baby into the world. 🌟💕


    Ready to embark on this incredible journey with us?

    Contact me today to learn more and secure your spot!

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